Come and Join us at our first Deaf Social event




Deaf Social event!

Looking for a chance to meet others who use ASL? Looking to learn a little ASL? Or just want to meet some new people then this is the place to be.

When: Jan 18 2015 Third Sunday

Where: Starbucks HWY 71B & 14th St 1401 S Walton Blvd Bentonville AR

At what time: 6pm to 9pm

If you have any questions please contact:

Thomas Gallaudet and the Identity of Deaf Culture

This was a great short write up about Gallaudet and ASL.

Books, Health and History

By Paul Theerman, Associate Director, Center for the History of Medicine and Public Health

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, n.d., in Henry Barnard, Tribute to Gallaudet. (Hartford: Brockett & Hutchinson, 1852), frontispiece. Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, n.d., in Henry Barnard, Tribute to Gallaudet. (Hartford: Brockett & Hutchinson, 1852), frontispiece.

Today’s blog post commemorates Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, born December 10, 1787. A founder of the American Asylum for Deaf-mutes (now the American School for the Deaf) in Hartford, Connecticut, Gallaudet was a pioneer educator. His name lives on through Gallaudet University of Washington, D.C., the only U.S. institution of higher learning for the deaf.1

Gallaudet and Laurent Clerc, a Parisian instructor from the French National Institute of Deaf-Mutes (Institution Nationale des Sourds-Muets à Paris), became founding figures in the creation story of deaf culture. As Oliver Sacks put it in his 1989 book, Seeing Voices, both were instrumental in nurturing American Sign Language, a rallying point for the deaf community.

The French sign system imported by Clerc rapidly amalgamated…

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“Pen and paper workd just fine”

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.Nelson Mandela

Recently I was told by a friend that they “would not spend all that time to learn ASL, because pen and paper worked just fine to talk to deaf people” this kind of upset me because I spend a good amount of time learning ASL and Deaf coulter. This felt like a direct attack on what I am doing with my life. My goal is to be certified with RID as an interpreter for the justice system. After the feeling of anger went away I started considering what was said to me. Here are a few questions that I asked myself:

Does pen and paper work just fine?

Is ASL really worth years of studying?

How should I answer someone when they say this?

After thinking this over for a few days this quote came to mind: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language that goes to his heart.”

Pen and Paper is an option it’s just not the best option. Yes those who are deaf can read English and yes your general ideas can get a crossed but there is no way you can have a meaning full conversation with someone setting a crossed from you if all you are doing is writing some notes down on a napkin or a note pad. Is this how you would want to talk to someone about; a death, a birth, a wedding, a fire, the meaning of life? Is pen and paper really the way you want to ask someone if they are alright when you see them crying? When I talked to a friend of mine about this they pointed out that asking someone who is deaf to write out everything with a pen and paper is like asking someone who speaks Portuguese to talk to you in Spanish. If there is no other option pen and paper works but it is not the best way to talk to someone setting a crossed from you in need.

Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.❞‒Rita Mae Brown                                                            Is ASL worth the time? To me this question is like asking are Deaf people worth getting to know. I have meet a few wonderful deaf people from around the world and I want to get to know them better. The only way I will ever be able to really get to know them is by talking with them in their language and there culture. Is ASL worth it? Yes, for me ASL is diffidently worth the work.

Next time I am faced with the view that “pen and paper works just fine” I will respond with “I want to speak to a man’s heart” and Remember that I do feel Deaf people are worth the time, and ASL is the best way to speak to their hearts.

AS a side note, besides ASL being the best way to communicate with someone who cannot hear it is also a beautiful language.

Subtitled cinema – why not?

In my local movie theater they have these devises that can set in your cup holder that show the subtitles I wrote about them a few months ago, they work amazingly. I am not sure what they are called but if you look up close caption device google with give you a picture of them. I think all movie theaters should be required to have them.

My primary language

Thank you for sharing. I am Hearing, trying to learn ASL and our struggle is the same. I love ASL but the grammar is difficult for me.

Virtual Entertainment PLUS

Hello to u all! Perhaps you have browsed or read some of my articles lately. This could be your first time to read this! You might find some or more errors in grammar I try to say something. You might think I must come from some foreign country. Actually, this is my second language of English. My primary language is American Sign Language. I find this challenge for me to make it become one so everybody could understand me.

ASL expresses a word with a facial, hands and body language. Many deaf people never learn or know a word to be meant once they expressed the sign of a word.  It summarizes the sentence short instead exaggerating the full sentence. For an instance, most of times, when I want saying something in ASL like “me want go store.” or “me go eat restaurant” but to add the facial expression too…

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Foreign Language Friday

I love using this website. I have learned so much from Life Print

Seeking Life Squared

Communication is one of the greatest tools in an evangelists’ arsenal. Language barriers, if not a brick wall, are at the very least a curtain that makes communication difficult. Whether you are trying to share the Gospel, teach a new skill, or just connect, knowing another language can open doors.

So here at Seeking Life Squared, we have Foreign Language Friday. Every Friday I will post a vocabulary word or language study from one of the languages I am learning. Currently I am working on Spanish, American Sign Language, and Hebrew.

Drumroll please…

So without further delay, here is today’s piece of info-

Bill Vicars is a great ASL teacher and I highly recommend his material. You can access more materials at his website, ASLU, at

Why learn Sign Language?

American Sign Language is the primarily used sign language used in America and is popular all over the world. And…

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After looking into Hawkeye I could not hep but find other marvel members with hearing issues. Here is what I found:

Hawkeye: 1988 talk about him being deaf and then in the 1990s it stops. Matt Fraction in 2012 started Hawkeye. Issue 19 has had great reviews from members of the deaf community.

Echo: comes from the Earth-616 universe. She was Born Deaf and was seen working with many superheros. Examples: Captain America, Avengers, Daredevil and a few others. To read a little about Echo click here

Blue Ear: A Hero made for a young boy who did not want to wear his hearing aid. The story behind this character is really great, but sadly there is no comic/ story to follow. To read about Blue Ear click here

The more I read about these Heroes the more I am expecting, but the sad truth is there stores end with out really beginning. This is of course with the exception of Echo but I do not view Echo as some one I would give to my 10 year old to read about and look up to.

Clint Nowicke put it this way

“The reason I am upset is because finally there’s going to be a superhero (a deaf Hawkeye) that I can look up to who is not perfect, and has the same imperfections as I do.  Of my family, I’m the only one who wears hearing aids.  I’m the middle child between my older brother and younger sister.  I can hear enough to talk to someone, but not enough to have a conversation that doesn’t end in frustration most of the time.” “So where are the fictional superheroes that tell me it’s okay to be deaf?”